JMCL is a woven factory, specialized in bottoms. Mainly 5 pocket?s/Cargo?s/Chino?s in Denim, 100% Cotton Twills, Canvas, Ribstop Etc. and also Jackets. The company has had an annual turnover of $14 Million in 2008, $ 16 Million in 2009, $ 16.5 Million in 2010. We have setup 3 factory units and are producing approximately around 20,000 pcs per day. We have setup the following 3 units to meet our customer?s demands.
# JMCL (Unit -1), Mirpur with total 1955 workers .
# JMCL (Unit -2), Rampura with total 1100 workers and,
# JMCL (Unit -3), Gazipur with total 1000 workers.
Our contact information is-
Jeans Manufacturing Co.Ltd,
13-14, Zoo Road,
Mollik Tower, Mirpur -1 ,
Dhaka - 1216.
Phone : 88-02-9007719,
88-02-9007742 .